LIE: Freedom is the right to make my own choices, part 1

LIE: Freedom is the right to make my own choices, part 1

If, however, Christianity and the church are in fact reactionary and static, it is because they have lost the basic meaning of the Christian life, which is freedom. They have transformed revelation into a religion. Religion is indeed a conservative, retarding, and restrictive force. In this transformation fellowship with Christ is lost and with it the purity for which everything is pure and everything is possible. This is why it seems to me that the most urgent and decisive task for Christians today, on the basis of fellowship with Christ, is to recover the full meaning of freedom.

LIE: Freedom is the right to make my own choices, part 2

LIE: Freedom is the right to make my own choices, part 2

Yet our freedom is not without challenge. We find ourselves surrounded by menacing powers that threaten to destroy our souls, if not our bodies also. But even though we may have a clear awareness of our state, we do not need to be afraid. This is freedom.

We are like Daniel in the lion’s den, in a world we cannot escape, but in which we are empowered — not an inherent power, but a power embodying the Spirit of God. We use our freedom to love and thereby point to and show the world what an awesome God we serve.

LIE: Transhumanism is fringe and far in the future

LIE: Transhumanism is fringe and far in the future

The masks, the distancing, the lockdowns, the vaccines, and now the ‘vaccine passports’ — will they all become part of this ‘new normal?’ The very ugly truth is that, the new normal, promoted by public health wonks and medical experts, is only the beginning of the transhumanist future, planned for decades by major global powers. The world and us humans, if they get their way, will look and act very differently in the next ten years.

This may seem like conspiracy theory until you actually look at the many and varied ways this tranhumanist future is now rolling out. In the absence of this grand vision, what’s happening in the world is a confusing morass of conflicting information. But seeing transhumanism as the end game, it all starts to make sense.

Three reasons I will refuse so-called ‘vaccine passports’

Three reasons I will refuse so-called ‘vaccine passports’

The system behind the vaccine passport is a database platform which can be expanded and scaled to include any number of health-related data: BMI, blood pressure, medications, genetics, etc. These additional data can then be used to (apparently magically, non-transparently and without possibility of appeal – the algorithm is always right!) determine your health status as a binary good/bad, green/red status. This status then is used as your eligibility to access or experience any number of things. In other words, you may have access to go to the store, but a red (no-go) token to travel, etc. Only the system can fully ‘know’ the process used to produce the certificate/token. We simply must ‘trust the system.’

LIE: Virtual church services are an acceptable substitute for in-person church services

LIE: Virtual church services are an acceptable substitute for in-person church services

Here in March 2021 in America, most churches are still either shut down entirely, or, if they are meeting in person, meet with a reduced capacity, or meet virtually or by virtue of a livestream broadcast, or a combination thereof. Very few have reopened to pre-pandemic occupancy; most continue to follow their state or local government’s emergency health orders.
After an entire year, why do churches continue to follow these health orders?
Simply put, it’s faith — but not faith in God. Rather, it’s faith in the institutions of government, media and medicine . . .

Four more reasons I will not be taking the COVID ‘vaccine’

Four more reasons I will not be taking the COVID ‘vaccine’

Back in April when I wrote Why I won’t be taking the vaccine, assuming I will have a choice, I had barely heard of the mRNA vaccine, but now the term is everywhere. All that I said then is still valid, but that was based on my knowledge of ‘conventional’ vaccines (MMR, DTaP, Hib, etc). I assumed that the COVID-19 vaccine would be a similar formulation, and use a similar vaccine technology — basically the introduction of a weakened or dead virus to stimulate the immune system.

Well, I assumed wrong — big time!