LIE: Sleep is a waste

LIE: Sleep is a waste

Lie:      Sleep is a waste.
Truth: Sleep is a rehearsal for death and resurrection.

It’s one of life’s most familiar daily routines but at the same time one of its greatest mysteries. It’s something we all do each night but something we could not avoid even if we tried. What am I talking about? It’s that phenomenon where we go involuntarily unconscious for hours, commonly known as: sleep.

LIE: Passive use of the Internet is harmless, part 3

LIE: Passive use of the Internet is harmless, part 3

Lie: Passive use of the Internet is harmless, part 3
Truth: Passive use of the Internet is participation in a system of systems designed to create a false and idolatrous reality.

In part 1 of this series, I described the data collection and control system and its components. I did that to give some context for part 2, which outlined the spiritual problem with this system. Now in this part 3, I’ll extend the outline of the problem in terms of how it appears to be rolling out, right under our noses. But before we get to that, let’s revisit a couple of things. What do I mean by ‘passive use?’