Whatever relationship we have with God right now is based squarely on our understanding of who he is. But the deceptions, half-truths, distortions pile up and we think that ‘this’ — whatever this may be — is all there is to it. So for example, if our concept of God does not allow him to be truly personal, then we will not experience a personal ‘walk’ with God. If we do not conceive of him as all-powerful, able to handle anything, then we will forever jostle and connive to gain power for ourselves or our own. If we do not believe he is omnipresent, then we will think we can hide our sins but act all holy on Sundays.

We do have a relationship with God; it’s impossible not to have one. It may be a good one or a bad one, but you do have one. Even the atheist has one, in which he identifies and imagines himself to be ‘one who does not believe in God.’

God is not far from any one of us. ‘In him we live and move and have our being.’ But most people only ‘grope for him,’ that is, even though we cannot see him, we know instinctively that he is there. See Acts 17:27–28.

So often we settle for the little of God that we have when it could be so much more! The enemy of our soul, Satan, has brainwashed many into believing that God couldn’t be that good; that there must be some catch. The devil has been telling that lie since the beginning, and we would do well to ‘resist him steadfast in the faith.’

In these articles I hope that any deceptions you may harbor, even if, or even especially if it’s just a nagging ‘background noise,’ will be silenced once and for all.

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