LIE: Some sinful habits are unconquerable

LIE: Some sinful habits are unconquerable

Lie: Some sinful habits are unconquerable.
Truth: All sinful habits are conquerable.

We all have weaknesses, propensities and bad habits that we coddle. These protected weaknesses become ‘the sin that so easily besets us’ – sins like anger, lust, bitterness, covetousness, lying, stealing, gluttony or sloth.

Depending on how deeply these sinful habits go, that is, how long they’ve controlled you, how extensive in terms of the number of people affected, whether you’ve taught that it’s normal, etc, all these factors contribute to make it more difficult to eradicate — but not impossible. Nothing is impossible with God’s redemptive power. . . .

LIE: I can overcome my sin if I try harder

LIE: I can overcome my sin if I try harder

Lie: I can overcome my sin if I try harder.
Truth: I can overcome my sin if I walk according to the Spirit.

We’ve heard it all our lives: the bigger the problem, the more time, energy, attention, commitment and diligence it takes to solve. But sin is not just any problem, it’s the problem – the problem of all problems. It’s actually the one problem that cannot be ‘solved,’ but must be defeated, vanquished, conquered. The good news is, that it already has been, and it took God himself to do it.

That said, sin is not just a cosmic problem; it’s my problem, which, as a Christian . . .