LIE: Passive use of the internet is harmless, part 1

LIE: Passive use of the internet is harmless, part 1

Lie:      Passive use of the internet is harmless.
Truth:  Passive use of the internet is participation in hidden, mass, personal data collection, analysis, and control and insidiously leads to idolatry.

At the time of this writing in 2018, the majority of people I see walking about carry their smartphone in hand. They’re either texting, surfing, watching, talking or just having it at the ready. And if it’s not in hand it’s not far from them. This obsession is well documented, both the good and the bad.

LIE: Christians are sinners saved by grace

LIE: Christians are sinners saved by grace

Lie:      Christians are sinners saved by grace.
Truth: Christians are saints who have sin.

This is a stark divide. Who are we – saints or sinners? We can’t possibly be both, can we? To get right to the heart of the matter, the real question is: do we have an un-eradicable, sinful nature carried over essentially unchanged from our state of unbelief? In other words, are we as Christians still essentially, in our hearts, sinful by nature? Can we get our theology straight on this?